If you need a normal paper printer, there are many available for less than $100. However, if you want the freedom to print on any available surface, then something like the Cartesio might be a good device to construct. After seeing something similar to what he’d built himself on Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories, Maker “Robottini” decided to publish his design. The ‘Scientist design sells for $450, while his can be created for a claimed $60.
The device employs two stepper motors to move a pen over a surface, and a small hobby servo to pick the pen up as needed. An Arduino Uno (ATmega328) with a CNC board is used as the heart of this machine. Code for it, a modified version of the GRBL machine controller is available here.
Perhaps some of the reason for the cost difference between it and the ‘Scientist version is the use of zip-tied linear bearings attached to 3D-printed components in the Robotitini build. Regardless, that version produces excellent drawings, and appears to work quite well in its videos below.
Of course, this isn’t the first “2D printer” featured on Bits & Pieces. For another idea, check out this miniature plotter made from old DVD drives.